Monday 25 October 2010

My favorite Sport by Henry Mak (27)

  My favorite sport is football. I love football very much. I love football when I was primary school student. The main reason that I think why I love football might be affected by my brother. My brother love football too. I start to know football from my brother. I love playing and watching football too.
  I usually play football when I was primary school. I usually play football with my friends. I think that football is good for us. Football can have many people to play it. It makes me excited and does not make me feel boring. We can learn the organization and cooperation. They are good for doing jobs when we grow up.
  I joined the football CCA last year. It was very good. I really enjoy it. I can play football with the others. I have a match for every lessons. I can play with my friends. The football CCA is very good but it just has a lesson once a week. I think it is not enough. I think CCA should add one more lesson. We have a lot of pressure for our school life such as too many tests, dictation and homework. CCA can help me to relax. The CCA is the last lesson on Friday. The situation of the CCA is good. It is the last lesson before the weekend. It makes me to lower the pressure for the whole week.
  On the other hand, I love watching football. It is exciting too. It has many change every time. You will not know the result although it is the last second. You cannot leave while you are watching the football match. It is because you may be miss some good moment while you are leaving.
  I have so many fun for playing and watching football. It is my favorite sport.

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