Monday 25 October 2010

If you were invisible for one day, what would you do? 3A(19)

One day, I went on a street, and I say ‘Hi!’ to my friends when I saw them, but they just look around and ignore me, and continue talking with an other person next to her. ‘Goodmorning!!!’I yelled. She look around again, and all the people on the street look at her, and her face truned red. ‘Can you hear the sound? ’She ask that person next to her, and she said yes. ‘What’s going on!!’I think, and I look at my hands but I can’t saw any thing!
I am invisible now! I can’t belive that, I read a book before, it talks about a people that was invisible. And now I am, no one can see me, isn’t it a good thing?I went to places that I want to go for a long time.
First I went to a cinema to watch a film but I do not need to pay, I just walk in to the cinema and stand at the back to watch the film.
 After that, I went to school, most of the classmate were talking about me some of them said that I am ill so I didn’t went to school. And I can’t stop laughing after I hear they said that. The lesson started, some of them listern to the teacher, but one of them slept durning the lession. And I picked up a pen and I draw some thing on his face. When the lesson ended, he woke up, and all the classmate look at him. But he don’t know what’s going on. And I went home after I played trick on him.
 It’s fun being invisible but after 24hours, I turn back to be a normal people.
 I went back school at the next day, and one of the classmate didn’t went to school today, I think I know what is happening on her.


  1. Haa...why would you stand at the back of the cinema? You could choose the best seat! Or sit on top of the person with the best seat :-D

    1. Yes , i chose the best sit but i think i was sit on back sit becuase i saw the people who sit in cinema and their expression abut film

    2. Yes , i chose the best sit but i think i was sit on back sit becuase i saw the people who sit in cinema and their expression abut film

  2. so many tenses mistakes
    u r just pathetic.........I am an English teacher in a very high profile school n I would never ever recommend your name-3A

  3. Dont know the spelling of see
