Sunday 24 October 2010

If I were invisible for one NG PUI TING :D

If I were invisible for one day, I would do something I cannot do when I am a normal person. What will you do when you were invisible for o day?
First, I would go to some restaurant and eat all the food inside without paying any money and nobody can catch me. They can just think “why this food suddenly disappear?”. At that moment, I would just laugh at them and think that they are stupid. Therefore, if there were a invisibility cloak, everyone would stole food in the restaurantJ and I would be the first one.
Then, I would go to the bank and stole all money inside. After that, I would give half of the money to the clarity, and half for myself to study in the future. In fact, I would not do that even I do not have enough money to use, so hope that someone may lead me money XD
Finally, I would go back to school and play tricks on my friends. For example, I would a bird into Yasmin’s school bag XD and I would be the one who is laughing next to her. However, she could not listen L(I hope that she can bear this XD). Also, I would play tricks of someone I hate, I may use his or her name to write a letter to headmaster (with foul language XD ) Then, the headmaster may fried him or her. Therfore, I won’t see him or her when I become normal :D
All in all,I know that those thing would never happened. However, everyone have their imagination. People would imagine that they could win the mark six, and some would imagine that they could be the richest person of the world, but this is only an imagination. If we want to achieve our goals, we must word hard. Otherwise nothing will be happened.

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