Friday 22 October 2010

Message from Mr. Cheng

Please be aware of the following things before making any posts:

1. All creative writing pieces must be a minimum of 300 words (I will check each piece and ask you to do another piece if you do not write enough!)

2. You may add pictures to make your writing more interesting.

3. You should give your writing a title and remember to write your name in the title.

4. All writings should be done before Monday of the week it's due.

5. Anyone found to have copied from others (classmates, websites etc) will be seriously punished.

6. It is recommended that you do the writing in Word first, and then copy and paste it into the blog to avoid overuse of the blog.


  1. To be a healthy person(By Elizabeth Chan 3A 01)

    I want to be a healthy person. Although there are many ways to be a healthy person, many people cannot be a healthy person. The most important thing for me is to eat healthy food. I am now 14 years old, so I need to eat a lot of healthy food. In the science lesson, teachers said we need to eat more carbohydrates and proteins in the food. They can help us to grow taller and healthier. After that, I make a table that I need to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I need to eat two pieces of bread and a cup of milk. For lunch and dinner, I need to eat a bowl of rice and some vegetables or fruits. The second thing is to do more exercises. I expect myself to do 30 minutes exercises everyday. There are many exercises we can do so I make a timetable to see that what I can do everyday. For example: running, swimming, ice-skating and playing basketball. When I grow up, I also need to keep health. For example: no smoking, no snacks between meals, no alcohol, no drug abuse, exercises regularly and have enough sleep or rest.

    In Hong Kong, there are many people take drugs and smoking. These things are not good for them and may affect us too. For example: when a person is smoking and there is someone next to him, that person next to him may get the passive smoking. The reason is that you may breathe in the smoke from cigarette smokers. Passive smokers also have a risk of getting lung cancer and heart disease. Taking drugs are not a good thing either. Taking drugs will make them feel sick and may lead to death.

    Being a healthy person is not a difficult job for us. I think everyone can also do it.

  2. Click by Jack Lam

    First, I want to say that I am not going to talk about a verb. I am going to share a film called Click.

    In summer holiday, I always search the Internet to find some meaningful movies which can change my mind or make me cry. Then, everyone introduced the same film—Click. So, I went to to watch this movie. After I watch the movie, although it didn’t make me cry (I nearly cry), it change my mind a lot.

    The movie is talk about an engineer who always work and less to attend his family. Also, he never accomplish the things that he promised to his family. Examples, went to see his son’s competition, make a tree house. One night, the engineer got a remote control which can control everything including his life. He can skip every part of his life. Examples, sick, brush his teeth. However, he didn’t know that the remote control had memory and it skip the part of his life itself including sick and brush his teeth. So, he lost a lot of time and he didn’t see a lot of things happen in his life. Examples ,his dad dead, his dog dead, his son and daughter growth. I stop here and I want you to see the final result yourselves.

    There are two meaningful sentences in the movie which I think I will remember them forever. The first one is `did you think that work a lot and earn a lot of money can really make our life become better?’. This sentence said by the engineer’s wife in the beginning of the movie. It is a good question. I think everyone should ask this question themselves. The second one is `family come first’. This sentence seem very simple but if you watched the movie and think this sentence in depth, you will know this sentence is how meaningful.

    So, everybody. Your life is controlled by yourself. The remote control is always on your hand. Click the right button to change your life. Hope you won’t regret of your life.

  3. If I had a hot girl friends by James 29
    When I was 6, I hope my girlfriend was as hot as Megan fox or Jessica Alba. Although I know that they were superstar so they had to have this kind of talent, but I still need one. Now I imagine that I got one, what will I do with her?
    I will be a wealthy lawyer first. I will have a Austin Martin in garage and often take my girlfriend to beach and see the sun-set. Wow! So romantic! If it were true, my mood will be as high as the sky. I will tell her “I will love you until the day you don’t love me”. And she will say this “me too” I won’t be a dandy and I will be the best man ever.
    I just want to give my best side to my hot girlfriend but if she were not hot. I think I won’t have that motivation. I know this is what bastard to do but I want my life to be realistic and nearly perfect. I want to spend my whole life to her; I just want to be with you, baby. I think this will be useful in our dating.
    I want to define one thing. I want to have a hottie to be my girlfriend but if I meet a girl that make my heart bound and my whole world turns upside down. I would leave all the appearance away and get married with her immediately. This is called true love in my own opinions. Otherwise, I will better choose a hottie to be my girlfriend and better no domestic and plastic surgery. If you got a hot girlfriend what will you do to her. You rather don’t talk about sex.

  4. Elizabeth, I second your point that everyone can keep healthy if they want to! It's so important that we keep our bodies healthy so that we are ready for the multiple challenges every day!

  5. Jack, I've also seen Click before. It's a great movie with many meaningful messages. I'm happy to see that this movie has made you think and reflect about your own life. Hope you continue to watch more English movies!

  6. Good luck with your search James!
