Monday 25 October 2010

If I were invisible for one day... By Yoyo Ho

I actually really hate the life that I am having now. As everyone can see what I am doing and I really hate this. Also, I always want to do something I can’t do. May be I don’t have brave to do and sometimes I don’t have ability to do.
If I were invisible for one day, I would first go and scare someone. I may open the door without making any noises. Or I could make many noises without let them to see my face. Someone told me that scare someone is pretty funny. As they may make some funny faces and they will absolutely make you laugh. I always hear this kind of experiences but I have never tried this before.
The next thing I would is to go to the teachers’ offices. I would go and see the exam papers. So that I don’t need to study so many things. Or may be my marks could be higher. Also, if I were lucky enough, may be I could make a photocopy of the exam papers. Also, may be I could stay at the offices for a longer time. As I think that teachers’ offices are very mysterious, so I just wanted to see what will the teachers do and the environment of the offices.
The third thing I wanted to do is to eat everything I want to without paying any money. I actually have many things I want to eat. However, they are very expensive. Or just I don’t have the money to eat them. If I became invisible for one day, I would go to many restaurants to eat everything I want to eat.
Can be invisible is such a great thing for me! I can do many things if I become invisible. Badly, it would never happened. So may be I can just work harder for the exams and just forget all the delicious food! ~.~


  1. Hahaha...yes! But the one thing you maybe could do one day is visit the teacher's office! ;-)

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  3. Hahahahahaha😅😅😅😅but dont go with your teachers at their home😂😂😂

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  5. This Essay is awsome👌👌

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  7. This is very funny to get invisible

  8. The second reason to become invisible is great

  9. As it is helpful for us, it is also harms to us.

  10. Haha🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Second reason to become invisible is great 🤣🤣🤣
