Sunday 31 October 2010

The movies that I like the most now by Konnor Kwan

The movies that I like the most now is “Alien VS Predator” and “Predator”. It is about some creature which came from the other world(Just in the movie).
First let me talk about “Predator”. There were three episode of it including the newest one on 2010. It was about the Predator just kept on hunted and killed the human for trophies to prove how powerful they were. I like to watch it because I can saw some new things which may create in the future, like some projectile and based weapon, etc. And I could also saw the exited fought that how the human fought back to the Predators. However there were also some terrible shot in the movies, like after the Predators killed the human, it may hang up the human and removed their skins, etc. So I don’t really suggest the people who are afraid of some bloody shot to watch it.
Then I will like to talk about “Alien VS Predator”. “Alien VS Predator” is the mixed of “Alien” and “Predator”. There were already had two episode of it. “Alien VS Predator” was a war between Aliens, Predator and human. How the Predator fought with the Aliens and how the human could escaped from the war of these Aliens. I also like to watch it because I could saw how the two creatures that came from the other planets fought together, how the human could protect theirselves and how the human could attacked the Aliens. “Alien VS Predator” were even more exited then “Predator” and “Alien”, there were less terrible shot because it just focused the fought between Aliens and Predators.
As I like to watch the movies, I keep on watching when I have time. Sometimes while I’m watching, I would think if there were some aliens came to the earth, What should we do? Would we extinct? However, these things were just my imagination, it might not be true.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Konnor. In fact, I haven't seen this movie yet. Your description makes me want to watch it ^.^
