Sunday 24 October 2010

- If you were the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, what would you do to change HK? by Kung Man Chun

If I were the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, I would make a lot of changes for the students. It is because the Chief Executives before did not know our feelings.
  First, I would cancel the silly Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA). It is very annoying. Maybe it does not affect me now. However, when I was a Primary three student, I need to do a lot of exercise for prepare it. And many of our teachers need us to have a good result. It is very stressful. If it is just one, it should be fine. However, we have to have it every three years. Now, we are secondary three students, we need to face the New Senior Secondary (NSS) and the TSA. We will be more and morestressful than before. Maybe the Education Bureau will ask me that how to evaluate the school. I will say that use the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination result and the School-based Assessment (SBA) result to evaluate the school. They are enough to evaluate the school.
  Last but not the least, I would cancel the Liberal Studies subject and use the old subjects (include Geography, History, Economic and Public Affairs etc) to replace it. It replaced the old subjects. All of the others think that the Liberal Studies will include all of these. However, it is not. Also even I have learnt Liberal Studies for two years but I still do not know what it is about. I am the one of the user of Liberal Studies. The other outsider (include the Chief Executives) will not know the feeling of user.
  I think that if I be the Chief Executive, the students will love me so much. It is because I will do a lot of good things for them.

1 comment:

  1. Ha...nice opinions. If only Mr. Tsang came to visit our blog...
